Borklog: One entry

12 September 2001

Random WTC links: Investigators find terror clues in Boston(e). First Person Accounts on Slashdot. The Economist (london) has a pretty good article. a quote:
ronically, New York was a city with one of the best anti-terrorist contingency plans in the country. But those plans were aimed at a biological or chemical attack. And the situation room where the response was to be co-ordinated was in the World Trade Centre, of all places.
Also, Arafat Donates Blood (which probably can't be used since he's been overseas for more than three months). And, World Banks seek market stability, including 10-15 billion in insurance claims. Amazon's collection for the Red Cross, $790,000 when I added this link. NASA images of the smoke plume. The Counter-terrorist myth, how we probably will have a hard time tracking down Ben-Ladin. Animated gif of base reflectivity of the smoke plume yesterday evening. How the WTC fell